“It gives me immense pleasure in addressing these few lines concerning to this web site of the Village Panchayat Revora. As a Sarpanch of this Panchayat it will be my endeavor to fulfill the dreams set by the Villagers of revora for achievement of new heights with people’s participation. It will be my constant endeavor to see that the data available on this website helps the needs of the villagers of Revora. Therefore, I appeal people of revora to browse through this website and utilize its service optimally and look forward for constant suggestions and necessary changes. I appreciate the constant hard work of the staff for maintaining this website. I assure to make efforts in providing a first of its kind service to the people of revora and plead for your support which shall esteem our morale for delivering our best efficiently.”
— Smt. Kanchan Vasudev Gaonkar